MathematischeGesellschaft On classification of C*-algebras and their dynamics |
Speaker:Gabor Szabo, KU Leuven, Belgien
Organizer:Mathematisches Institut
I will start this talk by motivating C*-algebras as the intuitive concept of a noncommutative topological space. From this point of view, many interesting invariants such as topological K-theory extend to the category of C*-algebras. I will give a glimpse into the classification program for simple C*-algebras by K-theoretical data. For certain classes of examples, an important consequence is homotopy rigidity, which means that homotopy equivalence implies isomorphism, resembling the spirit of classical phenomena such as Mostow's theorem in geometry or the Borel conjecture. I will then outline ongoing research effort to unravel such rigidity phenomena at the level of dynamical systems on C*-algebras.
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