MathematischeGesellschaft Fukaya categories of holomorphic symplectic manifolds | ![]() |
Speaker:Dr. Laurent Côté, Harvard University
Organizer:Mathematisches Institut
Given a (reasonably nice) symplectic manifold, one can associate to it a class of invariants called Fukaya categories. Fukaya categories have the wonderful virtue that they are related to structures arising in other parts of mathematics, which have a priori nothing to do with symplectic manifolds. I will talk about Fukaya categories associated to a certain class of non-compact holomorphic symplectic manifolds. In particular, I will explain how to endow these categories with a ''perverse t-structure''. The hearts of these t-structures give new abelian subcategories, and I will end by speculating on their possible representation-theoretic meaning. All new results are joint with Christopher Kuo, David Nadler and Vivek Shende.
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Host:Prof. Dr. Stefan Halverscheid
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