MathematischeGesellschaft On the standard twist of L-functions |
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Jerzy Kaczorowski, Universität Posen
Organizer:Mathematisches Institut
The standard twists of L-functions have interesting applications, and play a central role in the Selberg class theory. Study of their finer analytic properties is important as well as challenging. For instance it is unknown in general if such twists satisfy any reasonable functional equation. In the talk
I will report on a joint work in progress with Alberto Perelli, and describe a progress in this direction achieved recently in a very special case of the L-functions of half-integral weight cusp forms. The results, although not entirely satisfactory due to the limited generality, should be treated as a first step in the implementation of a wider research program, and may suggest what to expect in the general case.
I will report on a joint work in progress with Alberto Perelli, and describe a progress in this direction achieved recently in a very special case of the L-functions of half-integral weight cusp forms. The results, although not entirely satisfactory due to the limited generality, should be treated as a first step in the implementation of a wider research program, and may suggest what to expect in the general case.
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Host:Prof. Dr. Jörg Brüdern
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