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Curing velocity superselection in non-relativistic QED by restriction to a lightcone
12.11.2018, 14:15 - 15:15
Vortragende Person:Wojciech Dybalski, München
Veranstaltungsort:Fakultät für Physik, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1Seminarraum SR3, A.03.101
Veranstalter:Theoretische Physik
The phenomenon of velocity superselection in QED consists in
the fact that distinct velocities of the electron correspond to disjoint representations of the algebra of electromagnetic fields. This property is well-known in non-relativistic
(Pauli-Fierz type) models of QED. We show that velocity superselection can be eliminated in such models by restricting the electron states to the algebra of the
future lightcone. Such analysis turns out to be meaningful in the
non-relativistic setting and provides evidence in favour of the Buchholz-Roberts approach to infrared problems.

The talk is based on a joint project with Daniela Cadamuro.
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