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Rational approximation of markov functions
23.4.2024, 17:15 - 19:00
Vortragende Person:Prof. Dr. Bernhard Beckermann, University of Lille, France
Veranstaltungsort:Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik, Lotzestraße 16-18MN 55Gras Geo Map
Veranstalter:Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik
We give some refined L∞ error estimates for rational approximation of Markov functions, such as f(z) = 1/ √ z discussed by Zolotarev. In particular, we give a worst case measure, allowing to bound above the relative error on the real axis (and the unit circle) for any other Markov function. Within the class of measures satisfying the Szeg˝o condition, it is known that, asymptotically, the worst case measure with support in [a, b] is the equilibrium measure. This is no longer true in the case of general measures supported on the real line, where we explicitly give for each degree a worst case measure, and compare with the error estimate given by Zolotarev.
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Name der einladenden Person:Prof. Dr. Gerlind Plonka-Hoch
Kontakt:Nadine Kapusniak0551 39
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