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The electroweak sector of the SM: why is it chiral?
19.11.2018, 14:15 - 15:15
Vortragende Person:Jose Gracia-Bondia, U Zaragoza
Veranstaltungsort:Fakultät für Physik, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1Seminarraum SR 3
Veranstalter:Theoretische Physik
In the received wisdom, particles (i.e. the fermions of the Standard Model) possess schizophrenic souls: vectorial with respect to the chromo-dynamical interactions and chiral for the flavour-dynamical ones. While this gospel undoubtedly accords to facts, it begs the question of why is it so.
The purpose of this talk is to show why it must be so necessarily.

From the phenomenological side we just need to borrow the known spectrum of the interaction carriers’ masses and charges. (In particular, whether the $W^+,W^-$ bosons of the SM owe their mass to Higgs’ mechanism or not, is irrelevant for the argument.)

From the theoretical side we borrow from (a) the novel technique of string-localized fields — whose basics will be explained (b) the principles of scattering-matrix theory, at the level of rigour of perturbation theory, and (c) the renormalization method by Epstein and Glaser, according to whom it becomes a problem of extension of distributions.
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