MathematischeGesellschaft The geometry of handlebody groups |
Vortragende Person:Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hensel, Mathematisches Institut der Universität München
Veranstalter:Mathematisches Institut
The mapping class group of a manifold is by definition the group of isotopy classes of orientation preserving self-homeomorphisms.
For surfaces, these groups are by now very well-understood and have numerous applications throughout geometry and topology. After an overview of such applications and some central results, we will then turn to a second group: the mapping class group of a three-dimensional handlebody. This group also has interesting topological applications, but is much less understood -- especially from a geometric standpoint.
We will give a quick overview of some recent results and some open problems, in particular in comparison to the surface case.
For surfaces, these groups are by now very well-understood and have numerous applications throughout geometry and topology. After an overview of such applications and some central results, we will then turn to a second group: the mapping class group of a three-dimensional handlebody. This group also has interesting topological applications, but is much less understood -- especially from a geometric standpoint.
We will give a quick overview of some recent results and some open problems, in particular in comparison to the surface case.
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