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ENI seminar
Predictive and mnemonic effects on sound processing: evidence from neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies across species
7.7.2021, 16:00 - 17:00
Vortragende Person:Ryszard Auksztulewicz, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics / City University of Hong Kong
Veranstaltungsort:Anderer Ort/Other LocationZoomRegister in advance for this webinar: (for Details: see information below abstract)
Veranstalter:European Neuroscience Institute
Abstract: The brain is thought to generate internal predictions, based on the memory of past stimulation, to optimise behaviour. However, it is unclear to what extent these predictions are modulated by other top-down factors such as attention and task demands, and whether predictions of different sensory features are mediated by the same neural mechanisms. In this talk I will present results of several studies combining human and rodent electrophysiology with computational modelling to identify the neural mechanisms of sensory predictions and their interactions with other cognitive factors. First, in a series of non-invasive studies using MEG/EEG and direct recordings from humans using ECoG, analysis of behavioural and neural data showed that the effects of predictions are not automatic but are modulated by their contextual relevance. Second, computational modelling of the data suggested that these modulations could be linked to specific candidate mechanisms, including gain control in sensory regions. Finally, in a series of studies using invasive recordings in anaesthetised rodents, neural representations related to stimulus memory and predictions could be decoded from auditory cortical activity, shedding light on the evolutionary conservation of predictive processing across species.

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Name der einladenden Person:Dr. Caspar Schwiedrzik
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