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When invariants are equivalent
28.10.2021, 16:15 - 17:15
Vortragende Person:Jean Pierre Mutanguha, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn
Veranstaltungsort:Mathematisches Institut, Bunsenstr 3-5Sitzungszimmer und Zoom Geo Map
Veranstalter:Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
A free group outer automorphism can be thought of as a dynamical system; its "mapping torus" is a free-by-cyclic group; and we can also think of this mapping torus as a geometric object by considering the Cayley graph with respect to a finite generating set. I will discuss how, in some cases, dynamical invariants of the free group outer automorphism, group invariants of the mapping torus, and geometric invariants of the Cayley graph are all equivalent. For example, the following are equivalent:
1) the free group outer automorphism has finite order;
2) the mapping torus is virtually a direct product of the free group and the integers; and
3) the mapping torus has linear divergence.
I find such equivalence statements very fascinating.
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