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Consequences of the Russia crisis for Germany’s net zero transition: Short-term pain and long term gain?
15.6.2022, 20:00 - 21:00
Vortragende Person:Dr. Manuel Köhler, Aurora Energy Research
Veranstaltungsort:Anderer Ort/Other Locationonline via Zoom
Veranstalter:Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
An online event with Dr. Manuel Köhler

The need to respond to Russia’s war on the Ukraine put Germany’s dependency on Russian gas under the magnifying glass. Reducing Russian imports to zero would come at a high price in the short term. Over the longer term, LNG as a transitionary step and decarbonisation present a way out. In this keynote, alum Dr. Manuel Köhler will focus on the following questions: What are implications of an import stop of Russian gas over the next winter? What is the potential of renewables, LNG and hydrogen to reduce dependency towards 2030?

What does such a transition imply for renewable economics and buildout volumes?
Ähnliche Veranstaltungen nach Schlagwort finden:
Kategorie:Karriere und Weiterbildung
Name der einladenden Person:Alumni Göttingen e. V.
Kontakt:Asmik Kostandian+49 551
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