NAMColloquium Homogenization and mean-field limits of transport costs |
Vortragende Person:Dr. Peter Gladbach, Universität Bonn
Veranstaltungsort:Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik, Lotzestraße 16-18MN 55Gras Geo Map
Veranstalter:Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik
We treat the limits, in terms of Gamma-convergence, of several discrete dynamic transport costs. The first concerns Wasserstein-type transport actions on stationary random graphs, for which we use stochastic homogenization and geometric measure theory to find a continuous limit functional. (joint work with Lorenzo Portinale and Jan Maas)
The second treats interacting particles with different origins and destinations, which will develop coordinated oscillations in order to minimize a common functional. We show Gamma-convergence as the number of particles tends to infinifty, and that minimizers converge to solutions of a Vlasov equation. (joint work with Bernhard Kepka)
The second treats interacting particles with different origins and destinations, which will develop coordinated oscillations in order to minimize a common functional. We show Gamma-convergence as the number of particles tends to infinifty, and that minimizers converge to solutions of a Vlasov equation. (joint work with Bernhard Kepka)
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