MathematischeGesellschaft On special values of automorphic L-functions |
Vortragende Person:Dr. Jie Lin, CNRS Paris
Veranstalter:Mathematisches Institut
Abstract: It is well-known that the value of the Riemann zêta function at a positive even integer is a power of 2\pi i multiplied by a rational number. More generally, Deligne conjectured that certain special values of motivic L-functions can be written as products of motivic periods and precise powers of 2\pi i. Similar results have been proved for automorphic L-functions up to some extra archimedean factors.
It seems very difficult to calculate these factors directly. In this talk, we will explain a simple method to determine these archimedean factors as precise powers of 2\pi i. This is a joint work with Harald Grobner.
It seems very difficult to calculate these factors directly. In this talk, we will explain a simple method to determine these archimedean factors as precise powers of 2\pi i. This is a joint work with Harald Grobner.
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Name der einladenden Person:C. Schoemann
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