MathematischeGesellschaft Changing boundary conditions and the spectral shift |
Vortragende Person:Prof. Dr. Peter Müller, Universität München
Veranstalter:Mathematisches Institut
The effect of changing Dirichlet to Neumann boundary conditions on the spectral shift of the Laplacian in a finite volume is a problem with a long history. It dates back to at least 1952 and involves important contributions by Polya, Payne, Levine and Weinberger, and Friedlander. Variants of this problem are related to spectral and scattering properties of Schrödinger operators in multi-dimensional Euclidean space, and are still far from being well understood. In this talk, I will survey and discuss some of them. At the end I will report on recent progress concerning an upper bound on the spectral shift function for random Schrödinger operators that holds in the energy regime of Anderson localisation.
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Name der einladenden Person:Prof. Ingo Witt
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