MathematischeGesellschaft Ultralimits of maximal representations |
Vortragende Person:JProf Dr Beatrice Pozzetti, Universität Heildelberg
Veranstalter:Mathematisches Institut
Maximal representations are an instance of the so-called higher (rank) Teichmüller theories: they form families of discrete subgroups of the Lie group Sp(2n,R), that are isomorphic to the fundamental group of a surface. Interestingly these subgroup share many geometric properties with holonomies of hyperbolizations. I will introduce these families of subgroups, motivate their definition and describe their strong stability properties as well as some of their surprising geometric features. Time permitting I will discuss joint work with Marc Burger, Alessandra Iozzi and Anne Parreau, in which we study actions on affine buildings arising as ultralimits of maximal representations and observe a clear distinction between phenomena already present in the boundary of the Teichmüller space and new flat features.
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Name der einladenden Person:Prof. T. Schick
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