MathematischeGesellschaft Topological invariants for insulators via pairings between cyclic cohomology and K-theory |
Vortragende Person:Prof. Johannes Kellendonk, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon
Veranstalter:Mathematisches Institut
Topological insulators are bulk-insulating physical materials which carry boundary resonances.
The resonances are robust against perturbations that do not change the topological phase of the material.
A rigorous mathematical description of topological phases which remains valid for aperiodic structures can be
given using C*-algebras and their K-theory.
In that context, numerical topological invariants characterising the topological phase can be obtained via pairing
with cyclic cocycles. In the presence of time reversal symmetry, the numerical invariants may be torsion valued.
The resonances are robust against perturbations that do not change the topological phase of the material.
A rigorous mathematical description of topological phases which remains valid for aperiodic structures can be
given using C*-algebras and their K-theory.
In that context, numerical topological invariants characterising the topological phase can be obtained via pairing
with cyclic cocycles. In the presence of time reversal symmetry, the numerical invariants may be torsion valued.
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