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The (2,5) minimal model on higher genus Riemann surfaces
7.11.2022, 14:15 - 15:15
Vortragende Person:Marianne Leitner, Göttingen
Veranstaltungsort:Fakultät für Physik, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1SR3
Veranstalter:Theoretische Physik
Conformal field theories are naturally defined on compact Riemann surfaces. The rational ones can be solved using methods from algebraic geometry. One particular feature is the covariance of the partition function under the mapping class group. For the (2,5) minimal model and in genus one, one obtains a second order ODE of hypergeometric type, whose solutions are given by the Rogers-Ramanujan functions. One way to extend the theory to higher genus is by sewing tori. Alternatively, our algebraic description allows to deal with all genera at once (joint work with Werner Nahm).
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