NAMColloquium A PDE Perspective on Many-body Problems in Quantum Optics (CRC 1456 Core Colloquium ) |
Speaker:Prof. John C. Schotland, Department of Mathematics, Yale University, USA
Organizer:CRC 1456
Quantum optics is the quantum theory of the interaction of light and matter. In this talk, I will describe
a real-space formulation of quantum electrodynamics. The goal is to understand the propagation of
nonclassical states of light in systems consisting of many atoms. In this setting, there is a close
relation to kinetic equations for nonlocal PDEs with random coefficients. The talk is meant to be
accessible to both mathematicians and physicists.
a real-space formulation of quantum electrodynamics. The goal is to understand the propagation of
nonclassical states of light in systems consisting of many atoms. In this setting, there is a close
relation to kinetic equations for nonlocal PDEs with random coefficients. The talk is meant to be
accessible to both mathematicians and physicists.
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Host:Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hohage
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