MathematischeGesellschaft An invitation to quantum spin glasses |
Speaker:Prof. Simone Warzel, TU München
Location:Anderer Ort/Other LocationZoom
Organizer:Mathematisches Institut
The theory of classical spin glasses constitutes a by-now celebrated subfield of probability theory. It captures the rich mathematical structures hidden in Parisi’s ingenious solution describing the thermodynamic phases of such systems. The addition of a constant perpendicular magnetic field introduces a non-commuting term into the energy of such spin glasses and hence causes quantum effects. In this talk, I will give an introduction to the multifaceted motivations behind the study of these quantum glasses starting from an overview of the classical theory. I will then describe some recents results concerning the thermodynamic phase diagram in the quantum case. In particular, I will present a novel quantum version of a Parisi-type formula for the generalized random energy model and its relatives.
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