MathematischeGesellschaft Causal fermion systems and quantum field theory |
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Felix Finster, Universität Regensburg
Location:Mathematisches Institut, Bunsenstr 3-5Sitzungszimmer, Bunsenstr. 3-5, 37073 GöttingenGras Geo Map
Organizer:Mathematisches Institut
Abstract: The theory of causal fermion systems is a recent approach to describe fundamental physics. Giving quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases, it is a candidate for a unified physical theory. The dynamics is described by a novel variational principle, the so-called causal action principle. From the mathematical perspective, causal fermion systems provide a general framework for describing and analyzing non-smooth geometries. In the talk I will introduce the mathematical setting and explain the connection to quantum field theory.
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