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ENI Lecture
The emergence of domain-specific neural representations through learning and expertise
30.11.2023, 16:00 - 16:45
Speaker:Hans Op de Beeck, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), director of the department of Brain & Cognition, faculty member of the Laboratory of Biological Psychology (LBP).
Location:European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen (ENI-G), Grisebachstraße 5Seminar room ground floorGras Geo Map
Organizer:European Neuroscience Institute
The primate visual system has the ability to learn many tasks that involve a large diversity of objects. I will discuss the role of several factors that constrain how such learning changes visual information processing, including visual features, computational processes, and task-related domain specificity. I will present evidence from studies that are designed to dissociate these factors. Some of these experiments focus upon stimuli that are chosen to circumvent the feature tuning in visual cortex, including auditory stimulation of visual cortex in congenital blindness and expertise in visual Braille reading. Together, the findings support a comprehensive view of object learning, acknowledging that the ways in which the visual system can change through learning are as diverse as the system itself.
Host:Dr. Caspar Schwiedrzik
Contact:Dr. Caspar Schwiedrzik0551 39
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